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  • “In every generation there is a Chosen One. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer.”
    The last week for me has been the biggest trip down memory lane as I fruitfully binged on everything Buffy ever to catch up fully to get me reacquainted with the universe I fell in love with and has taken me to be the nerd I am today. For the past week I felt like I was 14 again. Only I’m not and this re-
  • With 2014 underway and All-New Marvel Now titles set to start hitting the store shelves this week I bring to you the 5 titles from this second wave of Marvel Now releases I am most anticipating in the upcoming months.

    Punisher:  By far the title I’m most looking forward to in the second wave of Marvel Now releases is the Punisher. I still can’t believe Marvel went as long as it has without my favorite vigilante having a monthly title. Before
  • Now, I'd like to think of myself as a fairly confident young woman and yet within the boundaries of comic fandom (or any fandom that considers itself "male dominted", but we're talking strictly comics here for all intents and purposes) I find myself struggling to find a voice. While it shouldn't have to do with anything, being aware that I'm very much a female, keeps me to be constantly aware of every move I make or any word I say in regards towards comics because I
  • Well it’s November again, or should I say Movember. To celebrate Movember, I thought I’d gather up some great comic book character’s moustaches, some are awesome, while others are just down right silly. Here’s my Top 10 Best and Worst ‘Staches :
    #10) Angar The Screamer : His super powerful sonic scream may a suitable offence against super heroes, but unfortunately, Angar screams the 70’s, a vest without a shirt and a red handle
  • spiderwoman
    Spider-Woman has had a long and complicated history that is difficult to boil down into a few paragraphs. The character is one of the few that has a completely different history when comparing the ultimate universe to the regular one. She was born from the initial ideology of Stan Lee, who saw the success of Spider-Man in the late 70’s and wanted to capitalize on


    Detroit Fanfare Comic Con is fun for the whole family, and there's a ton of stuff to do there, and blah blah blah. We know the advertizing

  • If you're going to be at #DetroitFanfare Comic Con this weekend, be sure to follow me (@Wombatapult) on Twitter and say hi during the convention for a Twitter shout-out and your photo uploaded with the #DetroitFanfare news! I'll be there all weekend covering all the action, and I'll post my whereabouts and what I'm wearing so it's easy to find me. Plus, be the first or second person in order to win REAL PRIZES that are totally not hugs and/or other immaterial acts of validation! Both prizes
  • Idealism is not dead.


    Joe Kelly is personally responsible for what I consider one of the most politically conscious, ethically challenging, and respectfully diverse comic runs ever written. I'm talking about his JLA run—a run that followed two of the hardest acts in the entire sequential-art medium: Grant Morrison and Mark Waid. Given

  • grant morrison
    Animal Man is an uninteresting superhero. The character does not offer a whole lot to those interested in him. It is up to the writer of the character to make a stand, and flesh out the backstory of the B-list hero. The first writer to take a substantial leap with the character was Grant Morrison. The hero works in an

  • On the subject of villains this month (or as we wrap up the end of the month, really), let’s go a little ways back to 1963, Uncanny X-Men #4 where not only do the X-Men finally battle face to face with Magneto himself (one of Marvel’s most notorious villains) we also catch a glimpse of the less than notorious (but well known anyways) villain
