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  • What makes the hero the hero?  A hero is most commonly defined as one who steps up in the face of adversity and does the right thing.  In the

  • 1.  Infinity #1

    2.  Superman Unchained #3

    3.  Batman #23

    4.  Justice League #23


  • September is Villains Month at DC Comics. We're about to stuff ourselves so full of villainy, we'll have to puke. And how better to celebrate than by going over a list of my five favorite Justice League villains ever!?


    Okay, they're not my favorites. Well. They are. But all of them are my favorites. Except for Gorilla

  • Thanos Perez
    Thanos is a character that has gone through so much pain and misery. He is a charismatic brute that ruins almost everything that he touches. The Mad Titan does not rest until he gets exactly what he wants. He is a character that was created via Jim Starlin, the writer revealed that he was a different take on the popular DC rogue known as Darkseid. It is remarkable that at this moment in popular
  • With Angel and Faith coming to its final issue tomorrow (August 28th, 2013), here’s an overall look at the series, celebrating everything it did well on and what made it such a good series.

    5.  It does the Buffyverse justice.

    For any fan of Joss Whedon and the entire world that he’s created along with the rest of the creative team who helped him build the world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel & Faith remains

  • 1.  Superman Unchained #2

    2.  Batman #22

    3.  Guardians of the Galaxy #5

    4.  Justice LEague #22

  • Saturday night the zombie parade was in full swing. Previously the event was held by AMC in support of The Walking Dead television show. There were a few detractors of this year's event, who claimed it was not as strong without the support of the major company. The parade was more than slightly disorganized this year as people were walking in all directions of the street. The zombies were

  • After going to San Diego Comic-Con for nearly six years in a row, I expected not to be impressed at my first day of the overcrowded show. While my results were fairly mixed on this first Thursday I just attended, there was still some fun to be had. First and foremost it needs to be said that this is a horrific show for any kind of shopping experience, except for toys as for some reason

  • There she was. Amy Chu: co-founder of Alpha Girl Comics. Smiling and chatting amiably amongst her neighbours and fans at the Toronto Comic Con. I walked by her setup a few times only to get the case of the butterflies every time I passed but eventually I racked up the courage to approach her. Smart, down to earth and passionate - her demeanour was comforting. Sitting on her left was talented
  •     Here there be spoilers.  If you haven’t caught Man of Steel yet, you really don’t want to read this post.  For real, I spoil a big plot point at the climax of the film.  You should turn away now.

        Alright, do we just have people who have seen Man of Steel left?  Excellent.  Let’s break into this.  You know the scene we’re going to be talking about.  It’s been blowing up Twitter
