Miller’s Daredevil and the Parody That Became the Ninja Turtles

by RobertJCross on March 20, 2015

Frank Miller was always a gritty writer. If you’ve kept your eyes and ears open in the past 15 years, you’d recognize such gems as 300 or Sin City which are both Miller classics. But most people who have no idea about Miller’s background don’t know that he actually began as a cover artist for Marvel and was then given the job as penciller for the Daredevil series.


Marvel Cinematic Universe - Iron Man (2008)

by mahargen on March 17, 2015

The world was a different place when I stopped exiting the theater as Sam Jackson magically showed up as Nick Fury in the end credits scene of Iron Man. But, I suppose I'm getting ahead of myself.


stephengervais's picture

Vote for your favorite Daredevil creative team.

Stan Lee/Bill Everett
0% (0 votes)
Ed Brubaker/Michael Lark
4% (2 votes)
Brian Michael Bendis/Alex Maleev
28% (13 votes)
Frank Miller/David Mazzucchelli
26% (12 votes)
Mark Waid/Chris Samnee
41% (19 votes)
Total votes: 46

Why I love Matt Murdock

by Kalem Lalonde on March 16, 2015

Hello CTG readers! To prepare for Daredevil’s upcoming Netflix series, we here at CTG will be writing various pieces on the character. Everything from retrospectives on our favourite runs, to more personal articles about Matt Murdock. To kick off our Daredevil coverage, we have an article about why I personally connect to Matt Murdock and why he is my favourite Marvel hero. Enjoy, and stay tuned to Comics: The Gathering for more Daredevil coverage!

Matthew Murdock.


Brian Buccellato discusses Sons of the Devil

by stephengervais on March 12, 2015

One of the many titles we were excited about from this past January’s Image Expo was Brian Buccellato’s Sons of the Devil. Brian has been busy the past few years as the best selling writer of the Flash, Detective Comics, and Injustice. This will mark his second foray into the exciting world of creator-owned comic books. Joining him on this original psychological horror thrill ride is up-and-coming artist Toni Infante.


Watchtower 2: Books to buy

by SeanerSurfer on January 26, 2015

Here we are in the second installment of the Watchtower. Now I did promise to post every week, and I am duely sorry about last week. My dog had an unfortuante illness and I had to make correction. Anyway where we go!!


Watchtower: Books to buy

by SeanerSurfer on January 10, 2015

Hey, this is the inaugural installment of my Watchtower series which tells you which books you can pick up for cheap which could make you some money. You may remember the post I did earlier this week about Peggy Carter's key issues, the star of Marvel's Agent Carter. Or look awesome in your collection - either way, right? So we'll go start with the cheapseats.


Key Issues: Peggy Carter

by SeanerSurfer on January 06, 2015

Marvel's Agent Carter premiered tonight and it was superb. It filled Twitter to the brim, celebrities from all walks of life tuned in, and it showcased Marvel's dedication to gender equality. Peggy Carter has been in 98 issues in nearly 50 years but there are some that are going to be more valuable than others, way more valuable. Here are my candidates for her key issues:

Tales of Suspense #75 & 77: 


Cadet Jackson, Episode II (Part 1)

by King on November 12, 2014

Space court is NOW in session, all rise for the honorable Judge J’shuz.”

The court is already in mass disarray, as the metallic bailiff attempts to announce the arrival of the betentacled Justice, who seats himself behind his cyber podium and plugs himself into the Non-Bias Engine.


Cadet Jackson, Episode I

by King on November 04, 2014

“Dammit…” the cadet tucks his space-wrench into his trousers as we wipes sweat from his brow. His struggles have been in vain, and he’s running out of precious time.

“Fine, I guess it comes down to this; let’s pray this works… it’s, like, my only hope…” in a gesture clearly indicative of doubt, despair, and unmistakable intoxication, Cadet Jackson reaches for his communicator.



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