Green Hornet #1 Review

by Olivier Roth on March 07, 2018

Written by: Amy Chu

Art by: German Erramouspe

Colors by: Brittany Pezzillo

Published by: Dynamite


The premise of this new volume of Green Hornet is quite compelling: what happens when Britt Reid Jr., the Green Hornet, simply disappears without a single trace leaving his compatriots in crime-fighting high and dry.


The premise set, Chu takes the rest of the issue to explore what exactly it means to have a city without a Green Hornet and does so through the viewpoint of the original Green Hornet’s faithful sidekick Kato. By using Kato as the focal point for the issue, we, as the reader, get to  learn exactly how important the Green Hornet, as well as Britt, are to their city.


It’s a little more difficult to review this type of issue because it is almost entirely set up with little to no actual action. There is one scene in the middle of the issue that sees Kato be attacked by his daughter Mulan, almost exactly how it used to be done in the old serials/comics/TV shows. It was a nice throwback and easter egg for longtime fans.


How they go about solving the issue of the missing Green Hornet is pretty much spoiled by the cover, so I have no qualms about revealing it here: Mulan takes on the mantle (she previously took the mantle of Kato) with her father, I guess resuming, his duties as Kato - the sidekick!


The art for the issue is pretty decent but unspectacular at the exact same time. Thinking back on the issue, I can’t even remember what the style was like without actually going back to the comic itself.

Our Score:


A Look Inside