Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #741

by Nathan Koffler on January 31, 2018

Writers: Andrea “Casty” Castellan and Kristen De Graaff
Artists: Andrea “Casty” Castellan and Mau Heymans
Colorists: Disney Italia with Travis and Nicole Seitler
Letterers: Travis and Nicole Seitler
Translators: Jonathan N. Gray and Maura McManus
Publisher: IDW Publishing

I am always a huge fan of Disney comics because I think they are always very entertaining and pleasant. If you feel the same way that I do about these Disney comics, well you’ll be excited because here is a huge issue of part one of a great Disney adventure story.

The first story in this issue, which takes up almost all of the 45 pages, is part one of “Fire Eye of Atlantis.” The story is both written and illustrated by Andrea “Casty” Castellan, who has been a part of Disney’s new comic book line with IDW a few times. “Fire Eye of Atlantis” is a story about Mickey, Goofy, and Eurasia in their adventurous search for Atlantis.

What I thought was interesting about this story is the amount of detailed history that was spoken. There are several times that Eurasia is reading or explaining some exhaustive history about what they are searching for. It’s not bad at all, but it sometimes got a little clunky and made me wonder how much the younger audience that would read this would understand or like. In all fairness, we see where knowing a lot of the information helps us follow the story later, but the descriptions did seem almost too thorough. The whole first part of this story is great though, with some great Disney comic book artwork and some very fun adventure.  

The second two page story, “Aching to Yodel,” is another perfect short comic book story that Disney has been publishing in their issues. We see Donald in the hilarious situations he always seems to get himself in with a great classic end panel.

Overall, if you have been enjoying the Disney line of comics from IDW, you’ll love this issue. It’s got a lot in it and is definitely worth the read. It does it’s job of giving me the warm and comforting Disney feeling that they have been achieving in their comic books lately. I really enjoy how all of these current writers and artist are able to write and illustrate what they normally would while making it still feel classic.

Our Score:


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