Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #200
Brian Michael Bendis - Writer
Dave Marquez - Artist
David Lafuente - Artist
Sara Pichelli - Artist
Mark Brooks - Artist
Mark Bagley & Andrew Hennessy - Artist
Justin Ponsor - Colorist
VC’s Cory Petit - Letterer
Brian Michael Bendis is obviously a sentimental guy if anniversary issues like Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #200 has taught readers anything. This issue features no fighting, little superheroics, and lots of glorious talking heads. It is also one of the strongest recent releases in my memory in the comics world. It doesn’t hurt the issue that the majority of this story is all drawn by national treasure Dave Marquez. The artist is consistently incredible, and makes all of the smaller scope talking scenes a joy to look at, which is integral to a magnificent story such as this one. If readers are wondering about the basic plot of this issue, it is simply a memoriam for the fallen hero that could. Watching a group of sentimental heroes look back and wax about the past is an interesting turn of events, but also an issue that is not going to speak to everyone.
This tale is concerned with remembering the fallen first and foremost in a manner that should speak to those following this book throughout the years. That leads to one possible problem this comic book could have besides the obvious lack of punching. Those that have not been following the Ultimate Spider-Man for the past decade or so are going to be lost with this issue. They will still get a general sense of what is going on, but the impact of Peter going away may not be felt in this issue. There are also a lot of characters outside of the main supporting cast that most will not remember. If you are at least reading the main Ultimate Spider-Man series from week to week, this should still be on your radar. There are also a couple of really nice launching points that should make Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #1 an exceptional comic book series. The heartwarming end to this issue should inspire those who are looking for heroes to really help people, instead of bickering with each other.
The sequence that will likely have fans talking are the series of splash pages used in the middle of the tale featuring artists like Sara Pichelli, Mark Brooks, Mark Bagley, and David Lafuente. For the most part, all of these artists turn in some truly exceptional work including Mark Bagley, who I am not usually happy with. This highlights one of my biggest disappointments with this tale, Pichelli’s splash just seems rushed. Her line work is sloppy and imprecise, and I know that she is capable of much much more. I don’t want to call too much attention to this, as she is still delivering some great work on her Guardians Of The Galaxy crossover with Immonen. Main artist Dave Marquez is still a joy to look, as mentioned above. The penciller simply understands how to make every scene in the issue look grandiose & awe-inspiring. His pencils look effortless, as if we are watching a true master hone his craft month in and month out. This book is incredibly well drawn from top to bottom, and features a horde of imagination and emotion.
Ultimate Spider-Man #200 is an exceptional comic book by Bendis, Marquez, and friends. Those that have been following the series for years will not be disappointed.