Titans #5

by Batmanaruto on November 23, 2016

Writer: Dan Abnett
Artist: Brett Booth
Colourist: Andrew Dalhouse

Other than Detective Comics, Titans was probably my most anticipated book to come out of DC rebirth. I have always loved that sense of legacy in the DC universe and Titans is one of the best ways and examples of this. I also enjoyed Titans Hunt, it was an alright story, but I would say really picked up at the end. Titans so far has been mediocre, the first few issues were solid but #2 and #3 were just alright, and #4 was much better. I personally think that this series would be better if it came out twice a month as opposed to once a month.

Although saying all that #5 was really good. One of the highlights of this series is the relationship between Wally and the rest of the Titans. In this issue Wally is put up to the task of saving the lives of 3 groups of people, at the risk of his own, as the only way to save them is for him to be re-captured by the speedforce. This is a great full circle, to what happened in DC universe rebirth.
It's great to see how Wally has to think through logically, and even applying time to see how long he has to save everyone. This is also probably one of the best issues Kadabra has been written in, as he is a C-list villain, finally getting his moment in the sun, and getting to gloat that he has put his rival in a difficult position. It is basically Kadabra summed up a villain that wants the limelight.
I have not really minded Brett Booth's art as much as most people, my only real problem was that the body looked contorted. However the same way that Dan Abnett pulled out the stops for this issue, clearly Booth also got the memo, and the art looks great, and this is only heightened by the strong colour work of Andrew Dalhouse.
In conclusion Titans #5 shows that this series may still have a chance to be great, and gives me greater faith. I've been loving Abnett's Aquaman, so was expecting as great of a calibre, and hopefully this is the turning point. I am looking to see the resolution in #6, and hope that Abnett doesn't drop the ball in the final issue, but for now i'm excited.

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