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  •           Put the pitchforks down, people. I know Spider-Man: Homecoming is overall a solid movie. But if I’m ranking all the wallcrawler’s flicks, it’s in the middle. Yeah, it’s got some great stuff going for it. Tom Holland is likeable as the protagonist and Michael Keaton is one of the MCU’s better antagonists for sure. With Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse blowing it out of the water, though, I think now is a good time to talk about

  • This column kicks off what we hope will be a new monthly feature here at CTG. We will be spotlighting a Kickstarter campaign to bring more attention to the project and

  • We’re officially only about a week away from Halloween which means that this wonderful season is so close to being taken away from me. In the meantime, we’ve still got several days to get some Halloween season comic book reading done. This week, I’m going to tell you about two of my absolute favorite horror comic book series. I chose these two because they both have so much to

  • Halloween is creeping up on us so quickly and, like every year, I am panicking trying to fit all of the Halloween things in so that I can enjoy every little bit of the holiday season. But enough of thinking about it being over, it’s still the middle of October so let’s get to some horror comic book recommendations. 

    This week I chose two series that have come out

  • New publisher AHOY Comics blew us away with The Wrong Earth and not long after, wowed us with Captain Ginger. Captain Ginger is a brand new series written by Stuart Moore about a group of cats that are traveling space together. This series is beautiful, creative, and funny and each issue, like all of AHOY Comics' titles, is full of content beyond the main story. Comics: The Gathering

  • The Wrong Earth is a brand new series from a brand new publisher called AHOY Comics. The team behind this very unique comic book publishing company are some very established and talented people. One of those people is Tom Peyer who has had a detailed and important history within the comic book industry since the 1990s. He is now Editor-In-Chief of AHOY Comics and on top of that is writing

  • For this week of Halloween: The Gathering, I decided to take us all the way down south to New Orleans, which is also my hometown! This city has a rich history of music, food, community, and of course, voodoo. The city’s record of voodoo has caused it to be a location for a lot of different media and plenty of it focuses on the witchcraft that is so excitingly spooky. 

  • Legendary artist Carlos Ezquerra passed away today, at the age of 70.


    Carlos was probably best known for his work for 2000AD. Along side writer John Wagner, he was responsible for the creation of the comic's two big hitters, Judge Dredd and Strontium Dog.  He also worked for a range of other comics.


    Dredd’s elaborate gold-heavy uniform was based heavily on the Spanish fascists, a regime the Carlos lived under for many years.

  • For this third week of Halloween: The Gathering, I will be suggesting some awesome horror comics that lean slightly towards the bizarre side of the genre. I think that both of my recommendations this week are excellent Halloween season reading as they both have plenty of blood and violence. If blood and violence don’t get you in the spirit of Halloween, then I guess you’ll just

  • For another week of this spooky season, I have some more horror comic book recommendations for you! I hope that last week’s suggestions helped get you into the Halloween spirit and I hope that this week’s do so even more. Last week’s comics were humorous, classic, fun, and easy to sit back and read. But this week, I’ve got two that are definitely more spooky and a
