by spicytoilet on April 23, 2014

Undertow 3
Written by: Steve Orlando
Art by: Artyom Trakhanov
Lettered & Designed by: Thomas Mauer

Four things are going on here. Humans are violent and they’re getting a taste of non wooden weapons. The fragmentation between the council and the citizens of the Deliverer become apparent, they just seem lost without a leader. The Atlantean government sent an assassin after Redum. And as for icing on the cake, we get to see the amphibian for the first time and he’s out of his mind!

The humans see the amphibian as some kind of god. Interestingly enough, this god saved Redum and the crew. The amphibian is strong, he literally ran through the attacking humans with his bare hands. The amphibian sprung out of the page like a bloody rock star, Artyom Trakhanov did a great job making his entrance so badass and memorable.

Without Redum present, the Deliverer is going through a crisis. The council is no help and the Deliverer’s inhabitants are flip flopping between electing a new leader and sending a search party. The dialogue that Zikia spits to her people was very well thought out, it even calmed me down. If in her shoes, I would have said the same things; a nod to the brilliant Steve Orlando, the man knows how to write a person in!

A plot to kill Redum is a foot!  And with only three issues left I have more questions than ever. We are half way into the series and the pile gets larger and larger, I’m loving it. Thomas Mauer’s lettering is amazing, the hints of the Atlantean language here and there are a very nice touch. I can stare at these beautiful pages forever.

Can't wait for #4!

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