John Carter: Warlord of Mars #1

by RobertJCross on November 05, 2014

Written by: Ron Marz
Art by: Abhishek Malsuni

I'm a fan of John Carter. Not a HUGE fan, as the only John Carter that I've ever encountered has been the Disney film. The movie was great, underrated as far as I'm concerned. The images and feelings of the film are what I brought to the reading of this comic. For a vast majority of the comic, I was stoked, until the novelty began to wear off. This comic was less about John Carter and more about the chained up princess on the cover, which I found odd for a #1. Of course John Carter shows up eventually, but it's only for a brief moment in the grand scope of the issue. The big reveal at the end of the issue as well, was lacking and uneventful....since the outline of the character hinted to who it could have been from the first page.

You have to find the humor in this comic's writer being named Marz, I got a slight chuckle out of it. That said, he did a solid and average job with the franchise. I went in with a lot of expectations, which I shouldn't have done. He appears to have done his homework and his dialogue shows it, but it ultimately leads to nothing. If I had my eyes closed the entire time, I'd have been surprised by the reveal at the end, but I guess that's only partially Marz's fault...

And more Malsuni's fault. Not to say that his art was bad, because it wasn't, it was really great. I just couldn't condone him looking at the script of this issue and drawing the outline of the character that gets revealed and thinking..."can you really tell?" Because I could. Other than that disappointment though, the character drawings were magnificent and everything flowed well. But I just can't get over that reveal.

Good issue, bad momentum...

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