Dissonance #1

by Nathan Koffler on January 24, 2018

Creator: Melita Curphy
Writers: Singgih Nugroho and Ryan Cady
Artist: Sami Basri
Colorist: Sakti Yuwono
Publisher: Image

To add to Image’s collection of interesting sci-fi comic book series with very deep backstories, we now have Dissonance. The series starts out strong with this first issue. It begins by giving us the history of the Fantasme and the human race. I really enjoyed these couple of pages of history because the it’s pretty interesting and original. The Fantasme syncing with the humans is a great sci-fi concept and this first issue takes off with it very well.

This first issue gave us a few different layers without making the issue seem cluttered or too confusing. We have a few different storylines to follow, which I’m sure will intersect at some point, and they’re all great. I’m specifically interested in finding out more about Rosia. She is a complicated character with a lot going on in her mind that she is not expressing.

The artwork in this issue really brings the storytelling to life. Sami Basri had to take this new version of Earth and create humans, humans synced with Fantasmen, and Fantasmen themselves. The different forms of Fantasmen are drawn with such creativity. The fencing scene in particular, although not involving any Fantasmen, is my favorite piece of artwork in the entire issue. I mean, pick the comic book up for that page alone.

Overall, the story is engaging, the dialogue is smooth, and the artwork is beautiful. There really isn’t much more you could want in a comic book. Plus, the story and artwork really are a great and original fit in the sci-fi genre, which makes the issue even stronger. I’m definitely excited to see where this series goes and this first issue did the job or reeling me in and bringing me along for the ride.

Our Score:


A Look Inside