Green Lantern #11

by lucstclair on July 26, 2012

As Hal & Sinestro take their leave from the planet Nok & the Indigo Tribe to consult the Book of the Black, Black Hand has a twisted family reunion.


The Pros

The awesome return of one of the Green Lanterns most ruthless villains, Black Hand. Not since the pages of Blackest Night has he been his old rotten self and that spells trouble for Lanterns. Like a terrifying horror story, Black Hand’s first order of business will give you chills. Johns & Mahnke deliver the goods once again as we get a full page glimpse of the upcoming Third Army event. Mahnke displays his creepiest cover yet.


The Cons



The Outcome

I’m just thrilled to have Black Hand back & I’m anxious to get to the Third Army storyline. From DC Comics.

Our Score:


A Look Inside