Justice League #15

by John White on February 15, 2017

Written by: Brian Hitch
Art by: Fernando Pasarin
Colored by: Brad Anderson
Publisher: DC Comics

Scattered across time, the Justice League is forced to face their toughest challenge yet after an attack by religious zealots, but what hope do they have when they are separated from one and another by not only distance, but centuries too? Justice League #15 is the start of Bryan Hitch’s Timeless arc that sees the Justice League come head to head with the Timeless, a religious cult dedicated to eradicating the abominations of superpowers from Earth’s history. Aided by a mysterious woman who has watched humanity since the apes came out of the trees, The Justice League must battle this new enemy across the centuries if they have any hope of saving everyone with superpowers.

The issue opens with Batman and Superman meeting outside the Infinity Corporation. Without a moment to spare, Batman rushes the Man of Steel into the building with promises that if they act fast they have a chance of undoing the tragedy that has befallen earth and saving those they hold most dear. But what exactly is this tragedy? The issue makes use of hopping from story thread to story thread and time to time, because while Superman and Batman work on fixing the problems of the present, the rest of the Justice League has already been throw into the past and the future. Aided by Molly, The Keeper, the members of the League have been sent to very specific points in time that coincide with the birth of superpowers in one way or another.  Although all this time hopping does at times make for a confusing issue but once you realize what is happening it more than pays off. The table has been set for the next great arc in Bryan Hitch’s Justice League and it is sure to be one for the ages.

To say there are many things going on in Justice League #15 would be an understatement. Between the multiple storylines and on-linear style, it might be a bit much to comprehend after only one reading but what is easily understood is that Bryan Hitch is working on creating something big for his next story arc. Following mixed reviews of his previous entries, it seems that he is getting back to the strength of the League by breaking it apart. Whether or not this strategy proves to be a success remains to be seen but it is encouraging to see him trying new things in an effort to elevate DC’s premier title.  The art by Fernando Pasarin is dynamic so even if you have trouble understanding it, this issue will surely be a pleasure to behold.  

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