Rasputin #5

by Forrest.H on February 25, 2015

Rasputin 5 Comic Review Image
 Alex Grecian

Artist: Riley Rossmo
Publisher: Image Comics
Release Date: February 25, 2015
Cover Price: $3.50

This issue of Rasputin, leading into a hiatus, is frustratingly stagnate despite its breathtaking art.

Grecian’s writing is, as usual, wonderfully cryptic and mystical despite the fact that it serves little progression here. The newly introduced tensions and character dynamics in the context of WWI are, of course interesting and tense but they don’t have a complete and total pay off yet. The beginning and end of this issue are examples of the strong, precise and dynamic writing that Grecian has nailed previously in other issues of Rasputin but, the middle of the issue is uninteresting and seems unfortunately, unimportant.

Rossmo’s art is, still and again, breathtaking. The sheer effectiveness of his portrayal of Rasputin, strong but timid is enough to keep me interested in this book but Rossmo gives even more than that. The scene setting, the dynamic character expressions and the visceral surprise are all wonderfully executed and eye catching. It more than enough makes up for the frustratingly hollow writing in this issue and almost allows the book to stand on its own.

This issue won’t sway you one way or the other on Rasputin and it shouldn’t have led into a hiatus but it has a couple surprises and will definitely keep readers that are already invested interested enough to pick it up when it returns. 


Our Score:


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