Deathstroke #12

by Batmanaruto on February 08, 2017

Writer: Christopher Priest
Artist: Joe Bennet
Colourist: Jeromy Cox
Publisher: DC Comics

One thing I’m really enjoying and liking about this new Deathstroke series is the fact that it isn’t only a Deathstroke book, but much more of a Deathstroke family book. It is really interesting to see how Priest uses this book to explore the lives of Jericho, Slade and Rose. It usually never feels like one character gets too much content than is necessary, which is a testament to Priest’s writing.
Getting into the book we are treated to a really quick prison escape that I personally would have liked to either have been a longer breakout sequence or even make it just a whole issue. After all this prison was meant to be really secure and Red Lion broke out of it like it was nothing. Although the content after the prison break was really good.
Although I did say that Priest is usually balanced between each character I would definitely say lately it feels like the writing with Jericho has definitely not really progressed after he gained the Ikon suit and found a bit more about his powers. This issue is really not much different, hopefully he will progress soon.
However for Rose it’s cool to see her bonding more with her family and she meets Deathstroke’s hacker Hosun who is trying to not let Deathstroke kill him, after he testified against him.
The real highlight to be honest with is seeing that Raptor is linked into it. It’s great since we are seeing a sense of communication in the DC Rebirth books, that felt like absent from the New 52, which makes it seem like you are experiencing the evolution of the DC Universe. It’s interesting to see how Raptor will cope against Deathstroke, since to me it does seem a bit mismatched in favour of Deathstroke.

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