New Punisher Ongoing Series Announced

stephengervais's picture
My favorite announcement from this past weekend's New York Comic Con has to be the return of the Punisher! Yes it's true, after about a year hiatus Frank Castle finally gets another ongoing series. As far as I'm concerned he should always have a monthly comic on the racks! This rendition of our favorite vigilante will be handled by writer Nathan Edmondson and artist Mitch Gerads. The same creative duo who brought us Image's The Activity. For those who read The Activity you know Frank is in good hands. For those who don't go pick up the first trade of The Activity for $9.99 and you'll soon agree. Not much has been announced about the series besides the creative team and an interesting twist that the usual New Yorker Pun will be moving to LA!

Here are a couple of teaser pics floating around the world wide web:

