Spider-Woman has had a long and complicated history that is difficult to boil down into a few paragraphs. The character is one of the few that has a completely different history when comparing the ultimate universe to the regular one. She was born from the initial ideology of Stan Lee, who saw the success of Spider-Man in the late 70’s and wanted to capitalize on the character before somebody else did. This quote that Comics Journal acquired from Lee himself makes the idea more clear, “I suddenly realized that some other company may quickly put out a book like that and claim they

Animal Man is an uninteresting superhero. The character does not offer a whole lot to those interested in him. It is up to the writer of the character to make a stand, and flesh out the backstory of the B-list hero. The first writer to take a substantial leap with the character was Grant Morrison. The hero works in an extremely limited context that the British writer nailed down to the core. Baker is an average Husband and father to wife Linda Baker and two kids Clifford and Maxine. He is one of the few married superheroes in the DC Universe. When writers go to the character, there is

Thanos is a character that has gone through so much pain and misery. He is a charismatic brute that ruins almost everything that he touches. The Mad Titan does not rest until he gets exactly what he wants. He is a character that was created via Jim Starlin, the writer revealed that he was a different take on the popular DC rogue known as Darkseid. It is remarkable that at this moment in popular culture, Thanos is much more relevant to fans than the character that inspired him. He made his debut in an issue of Iron Man, and attempted to steal one of the most important artifacts contained in

Saturday night the zombie parade was in full swing. Previously the event was held by AMC in support of The Walking Dead television show. There were a few detractors of this year's event, who claimed it was not as strong without the support of the major company. The parade was more than slightly disorganized this year as people were walking in all directions of the street. The zombies were also a bit of a let down, simply because the makeup producer of the television show was not on staff. Thankfully there was still an enjoyable time to be had on the other side of the street. This was

After going to San Diego Comic-Con for nearly six years in a row, I expected not to be impressed at my first day of the overcrowded show. While my results were fairly mixed on this first Thursday I just attended, there was still some fun to be had. First and foremost it needs to be said that this is a horrific show for any kind of shopping experience, except for toys as for some reason they all seem to be in abundance at San Diego. As a comic book junkie there were only a few vendors that really peaked my interest. Torpedo Comics always has quite a good selection of material available to any

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