In light of the new "WTF Certified" publishing initiative for April announced by DC Comics, I kind of realized that there's a lot of things that three specific groups of people can do to help preserve comics (specifically those published by the Big Two). With that in mind, I decided to publicize my pleas to creators, fans and critics on how to make the industry one of quality. Creators: Don't Antagonize Fans: You'd think that this would be a no-brainer. And while both superhero publishers are guilty of shouting down upset fans, it seems that Marvel has been

I'm unashamed in my love for Superman. Most people have set ideas about Superman, usually about how Batman or any Marvel character are better than him. These ideas have always bugged me, so I'm trying to set the record straight in the only way I know how. But first, I want to set the tone for this blog entry: I am going to table the "god-like" powers for now. While I can easily make the case that Superman isn't "too powerful", I won't. That really isn't the point. Ultimately, powers are secondary to character. If the robust nature of Marvel's

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